Sunday 16 February 2014

End of the Spear


    End of the spear is a true story narrated by “stevie” about a group of Christian missionaries in Ecuador who set out to reach the Woadani tribe (a violent Ecuadorian tribe). When the 5 men from this group are speared to death by Mincayani and others in the tribe, the wives and children of those men move into the Wadani tribe to teach them about God. End of the Spear is an amazing story of Truth, Love, and Forgiveness.

End of the spear movie poster

My opinion about this movie is that this movie encourages a lot of  young Christians to preach the word of God and that we should all be given a chance to forgive other people just like "stevie". This movie can be really inspirational to those who find it hard to forgive and to love.